Nation Siege

American Nationalist News

Globalization, Trade and Economic Patriotism

Economic globalism is the end of economic growth and national independence. Both the international marxist lobbies who believe that "social justice" is more important than prosperity and the cosmopolitan financial institutions for whom everything is mercantile, including our culture and our sovereignty, are eager to see the American economy collapse and bring about the advent of their globalist New World Order.

The Reality

The United States, disarmed to face globalization

Global prosperity exists, in fact most nations have enriched themselves drastically in the past decades (some would say at our expense). But the United States are no longer able to compete for shares of this wealth due to their absurd economic policies of unprecedented relinquishment of all economic borders.

The revival of our economy is a perfectly attainable goal, provided we change our outdated model and move on from the cult of absolute globalization and open-borders.

Globalization is an commercial instrument, not a revered deity to which we must sacrifice everything starting with our sovereignty and our prosperity.

When dealing with globalization there are generally two opposing perspectives : those that believe in the fairy tales fed by the media of uncontrolled and unconditional global coalescence, these unfortunately compose the majority of American politicians, and those that see globalization as an enemy to be fought at all cost.

Globalization is neither a seraphic blessing nor an absolute evil, globalization is a tool. If used properly, in the right conditions, globalization can be beneficial for the economy.

Much like any other tool, there are also provisions and guidelines that regulate its proper usage.

Imposing unbearable regulations on our companies and excessive tax rates on production is economic masochism, particularly in this context of ultra-competitive trade war.

Tariffs represented 95% of our budget revenue up until 1860, today they represent less than 1%. This coincides with the desires of the Establishment to dissolve the United States into a "New World Order" and open our borders to every form of globalist submersion : military, through NATO occupation, demographic, through immigration, and finally economic, through free-trade.

Simultaneously, to compensate for the lack of revenue generated by border dismantlement and to pay for the expansion of the socialist welfare state, the successive governments have raised income taxes, corporate taxes, payroll taxes, self-employment taxes, capital gains taxes and property taxes to unprecedented and unsustainable levels. Unlike tariffs, which can be considered a "good" tax as they help national economic growth, the other taxes such as the income tax and the payroll tax make the American economy unattractive for investment and uncompetitive for production. A neutral tax with regards to its incidence on the economy could be the sales tax, as it's indiscriminate to the origin of the product, but even that is vehemently opposed by Establishment politicians who see it as "racist" and threatening to European economic hegemony.

These Establishment politicians may claim that their Keynesian "stimulus packages" help the economy, but by stimulating consumption without a clear policy for investment and production they are simply creating more demand for China and Europe.

One of the recurring sophisms used by the outsourcing lobby and globalist politicians is that tariffs would somehow "hurt the consumer" by raising the costs of all products. Beyond the fact that this argument is based on the incorrect assumption that consumption drives the economy rather than production, it deceitfully avoids to answer the real question : why are imported products more competitive in the first place ?

The reason why imported products appear cheaper and more competitive is quite simple. As we lowered tariffs, public earnings fell accordingly and our governments sought to find alternative sources of revenue : domestic taxes (such as the income tax), borrowing on the financial market, printing money via the Federal Reserve. These alternatives sources of revenue all hinder our potential for economic growth and our competitiveness.

By lowering tariffs to ludicrous levels we have helped our competitors in two ways : first by allowing them access to our national market (independently of them allowing us access to theirs), and second by imposing excessive costs on national products through domestic taxes ("needed" to counterbalance the loss of revenue resulting from low tariffs).

Furthermore, to be a consumer one must first be a producer. By allowing free-trade to drive down wages in an unwinnable race to the bottom and create massive unemployment, the opportunities for producers to rise above competition are greatly diminished. If we are losing each month the equivalent of Serbia's GDP (our current trade deficit) to foreign countries, there will naturally be less capital circulating on the national market for domestic commerce.

It's a particularly vicious cycle that serves only to impoverish Americans at the profit of foreigners. The more we lower tariffs, the more we have to raise other taxes that burden our economy (income tax, payroll tax, self-employment tax), hence imported products appear cheaper when in reality we are simply making national products appear less competitive due to our tax system.

The myth of the "service based" economy

The idea of an economy based entirely on the tertiary sector (services) and absent of any form industry and agriculture emerged as a reassurance and a justification for unlimited free-tradism, even in the face of massive outsourcing and growing unemployment.

The phenomenons of outsourcing and delocalization, whose existence was for a long time vigorously denied by the same politicians who participated in their expansion, is now starting to be admitted by the political Establishment... fifty years after the beginning of the hemorrhage.

It is after all quite difficult to hide policies whose implementation resulted in millions of laid off American workers and the escalation in poverty among those whose businesses depended on a strong industrial sector.

We were told that "free-trade creates jobs" while the unemployment numbers broke new records, that offshoring was a "natural consequence of a spontaneous economic transition" and that "everyone wins at free-trade, even those who lose their jobs".

To address the more and more visible problem of jobs lost to globalism and to reassure the public opinion, the political elites resorted to inventing ex nihilo an unproven theory about a fictitious economic transition to an economy composed exclusively of services.

The premise of the argument that the unemployment we face that resulted from the unconditional expansion of free-trade and the abandonment of our economic borders is perfectly natural and only "transitional" is incorrect, because the jobs weren't destroyed as they are in economic transitions but simply relocated to foreign countries, where the manufacturing costs are greatly inferior to those of the United States.

Worse, free-trade and outsourcing greatly delayed the modernization of the US industry : the rare American industries left are currently paying this heavy price when facing competition from China, Japan and Germany.

This reality of offshoring has progressively spread to all sectors of our economy, in the total indifference of our leaders who allowed foreign countries to deprive us of our factories and our jobs.

In the current situation it's perfectly delusional to believe we can ensure our prosperity by relying on innovation alone, our competitors can also innovate and in many cases they aren't hindered by the debilitating tax code we imposed on ourselves.

The other big lie of the Establishment is that services are somehow immune to delocalizations and outsourcing : nothing is further from the truth. Since services jobs don't rely on the transportation of merchandise, the distances between the production sites and the consumer are even less of a factor. In others words, outsourcing service jobs is easier than outsourcing manufacturing jobs.

International trade relations have now less to do with the transfer of physical goods and more to do with immaterial commerce : services, but also financial bonds, derivatives, and intra-firm transfers. This alone proves the absurdity of the "service based economy".

Yesterday we lost our automobile industry to globalization. Today we are in the process of ceding our military and defense manufacturing (even the US Army doesn't buy from American contractors). Tomorrow no American factory, business or worker will be safe from the sacred cow of economic globalism.

This situation of "job flight" is made even worse when the political Establishment decided to shift the tax burden from importers to producers. We now have the highest corporate tax rates in the world but the lowest tariffs in the OECD. The results of this "genius" fiscal maneuver speak for themselves as we also have the highest trade deficit in the history of the world.

Unilateral free-trade, the double standard of globalism

The concept of free-trade is often associated with free-markets, as if both spawned from the same ideology. This assumption is fundamentally incorrect, and serves as a propaganda tool used by the "fake right" (the one that supports amnesty, gun control, immigration and UN supranationality) to misinform their well-intended electorate and get them to condone free-trade.

Free-trade has nothing to do with free-market capitalism, and everything to do with big government statism.

Both statism and free-trade are tools used by the global elites to create dependency, unemployment, poverty and to halt economic growth. The former by imposing unbearable costs on domestic production and manufacture, through high taxes and bureaucratic regulation, and the latter by negating the costs to import products manufactured in foreign countries by the suppression of trade barriers.

American history doesn't lie : periods of individual and economic freedom coincided with periods of strong border protection, and the opposite is true as well. In fact, the same socialist president that gave us the Federal Reserve and the income tax also coerced us into one of the biggest free-trade expansions in our history. For the record, he (Wilson) also tried to establish the first anti-American supranational authority in the League of Nations, decades before the UN was even considered.

You can see how globalism, statism, anti-Americanism, modern "liberalism", central banking and free-tradism all collide with the interests of a select few globalists who have always had the same agenda : the impoverishment of the United States and its people, and the enrichment of Europe and our enemies.

The situation would be bad enough if everyone played by the same rules, but they don't, and it's precisely what makes free-trade so attractive to the global elites : they can pick winners and losers and can influence the economic war.

Either by obsession with the "global order" or by ideological rejection of the notion of borders, our successive governments seem to have a pathological fascination with free-trade, to the point of applying it at home with little to no regards to the consequences of their jobs killing policies.

The defense of this dogma, often hysterical and vocalized by pundits from all political spectra, is made even more irrational by the fact that the "free-trade creates jobs" mantra has never been proven correct, quite on the contrary. All one needs to do is look at the statistics, even the official ones, and use a little common sense to see that the more the United States open their borders to unmitigated and non-reciprocal international trade, the more its economy dives, its unemployment rises and its people become poorer.

But our leaders care little for the consequences of their actions, as they are more concerned with getting re-elected and pleasing the "supervisors" from Europe than with advancing American national interests. For them, "feelings" and ideology are more important than facts and reality. They have only disdain for the American people who they see as "racist" for defending their rights to minimum job security by refusing the complete dismantlement of economic borders.

The American worker betrayed by the Establishment

The role of the government is also to protect the American worker, whatever his status. And it's perhaps on this ground that the failure of the Establishment and their political stooges is most apparent, between their fascination for a borderless "New World Order", their caricatural adoration of the Europeans and their unabashed betrayal of American economic interests.

The current system, characterized by the naive opening of all borders to every globalist whim, leaves only two possibilities to the American economy. Either the total abandonment of our industrial power and prosperity, and its corollary the acceptation of unemployment, poverty and a fragmented economic tissue, or the lowering of domestic wages to indecent levels in hopes of staying competitive which isn't even a guarantee.

Both "solutions" would be disastrous to the American worker, particularly those operating low-income jobs and thus having little potential for social mobility in our current economy. Ironically, what do the globalists say about anyone who opposes their insidious takeover ? "They don't care about the poor". A perfect case of mirror propaganda, where the perpetrator accuses his opponent of his own faults.

American workers have been, perhaps more than any other category of population, the target of every globalist assault of the past decades. While many globalists use their support of big government programs in an attempt to mask their hostility to American manufacturing and prosperity, others are often more direct in their approach.

Unwilling or unable to hide the socialist nature of welfare handouts, and their preferentially foreign attribution, some go as far as to declare that Americans should prefer poverty and unemployment over "refusing the human progress that is globalization".

Trade negotiations aren't organized with the goal of raising American exports, but rather to open the US market even further to protectionist champions such as Europe, Japan and China. This situation is beneficial to both the international marxist Left, who can use the poverty generated by unilateral free-trade to fuel its anti-national "class warfare" propaganda, and the financial corporatist "fake Right", who is always eager to present immigration and submission to European lobbies as the solution to our problems.

The two aren't mutually exclusive either. Warren Buffet, one of the most prominent members of the transnational rich, always close to the global financial organizations (WTO, IMF, World Bank) and longing to present himself as a hypernomadic "citizen of the world", is also one of the biggest proponents of class warfare and other marxist doctrines.

He is far from being the only one who openly supports these two seemingly contradictory affiliations.

In reality the contradictions are purely superficial. The globalists and other financial elites have always lobbied for centralized government measures, socialist handouts and welfare "compensations". Their goal is to trivialize unemployment, make it more acceptable in order to ease the transition from a prosperous industrial economy to a dependent welfare state initially, and then to a totalitarian society under the auspices of a world government, itself at the beck and call of the Europeans.

Our current economic situation, as desperate as it may seem, should nevertheless come as a surprise to no one. As early as 1913, after the witless Underwood Tariff cuts signed by globalist puppet Wilson (father of the Federal Reserve), many economists warned the administration of the adverse effects of shifting the tax burden from importers (tariffs) to producers (income tax).

These warnings were ignored by the Wilson administration, to the profits of Wall Street speculators and European manufacturing corporations. The rest of the story is well known, as these measures coupled with a highly volatile inflationary policy caused the Great Depression of 1929... which was only slightly alleviated by the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act (one of the rare positive measures of Roosevelt and his administration).

One would think that with their morbid track record, the offshoring lobbies and their political lackeys would at least calm their stubbornness in the defense of self-imposed free-trade and economic globalism... not even close, as today's propagandists are more doctrinaire then ever.

Would anyone dare question the untouchable credo of unilateral free-trade and he would be immediately be harangued by the politically correct "anti-racist" media Establishment, who never predicted anything valid but is always prompt to discredit any potential enemy of the status quo.

It's clear for anyone capable of minimal observation that by persisting in the unconditional support of the free-trade dogma, our leaders have left the realms of economic facts and ventured into those of biased ideology. "International trade" becomes the pseudo-scientific smokescreen used to precipitate the advent of a technocratic New World Order, controlled by European interests and build on the back of American labor.

How many American workers, businesses and families sacrificed to the sacred cow of economic globalism from 1913 to this day ? Not enough, according to most internationalist organizations (WTO, IMF) and their servile emissaries that occupy our government.

Buying American, the only real economic patriotism

Big government and over-centralization will not work in the favor of the American worker or the American business. It's not through "UN sanctioned" bureaucrats and the career politicians of Washington DC, for whom national sovereignty and economic patriotism are archaic concepts or, at best, cheap slogans to get elected, that we will instill true lasting change in our governance and policy making.

The family that proactively chooses to purchase Texas manufactured products, the factory that decides to relocate to Detroit, the business that favors Pennsylvanian companies for all subcontracting, all these have contributed more to economic growth and prosperity than any government program. You'll be waiting a lot longer if you expect "social justice" politicians to do anything in favor of jobs, which most of them can't even enunciate or spell properly (including no less than a vice-president).

Since the globalist controlled international organizations such as the WTO don't ensure reciprocity in trade relations and in practice heavily favor the European Union, China and the so-called "emerging nations" (BRICS, MIKT), it's up to the United States to take its responsibilities and protect its people.

The purpose isn't to establish economic isolationism or the refusal of international trade, but simply to retake control of our future and cease to watch the world evolve as a passive spectator.

In its current form, globalization is one way only and goes against the rules of reciprocity and fair trade : the United States are pressured to open more and more parts of their industries to international commerce, while Europe and China are allowed to over-exploit their trade barriers (officially to "protect their culture").

It's perfectly illusory to believe that the WTO or any globalist organization can effectively regulate international trade and ensure reciprocity. They are mere instruments used by the Europeans to legitimize their trade wars and economic imperialism.

The infringements of the European Union and their members states upon the WTO trade directives are too numerous to list. Amongst the most severe transgressions : illegally raising the Common Custom Tariffs, multiple campaigns of "economic patriotism" (Buy British, Produire Français) financed directly by the members states, intellectual property abuse, double-standard judicial prosecutions, export subsidies, protectionism disguised as "appellation of origins", import quotas on "strategic" sectors, antitrust laws selectively enforced, double taxation through CCT and national tariffs, government aid conditioned by exports, cultural imperialism disguised as "cultural exception", import permits and other non-tariff barriers, campaigns of "national preference", foreign direct investment regimes, phytosanitary measures used to restrict non-European competition, agricultural subsidies (Common Agricultural Policy)...

The WTO and the rest of the world government structures routinely turn a blind eye on the abuse of free-trade agreements by the Europeans and their proxies (Russia, China, South Korea, Brazil), not to mention the involvement of European banks in the 2008 stock market crash that was hidden from the FBI and American authorities by European governments.

Sacrificing our workers, our prosperity and now even our national sovereignty (NAFTA) with the hopes of seeing international trade relations normalize themselves under the aegis of these openly pro-European organizations is either economic masochism or glorified treason.

The Solutions

Once again, nothing can be done if we don't fundamentally change our approach to general politics. National recovery is an attainable goal but it requires that we cease to delegate our sovereignty to organizations whose interests are divergent, if not contrary to ours. To restore economic prosperity in the United States it is imperative to regulate trade in a reasonable manner and reclaim control over our borders.

  1. Reverse the trade deficit : Along with the public debt contacted by the federal government, the record high trade deficit is the single largest threat to our economy and to our prosperity. Responsible measures must be taken immediately to end the trade hemorrhage that is destroying our industries and leaving entire communities without jobs or economic opportunity. Ending trade deficits and attaining a positive trade balance is a priority, and must be attained by drastically reducing government levies that burden production, re-negotiating all free-trade treaties and agreements and protecting American businesses and workers from foreign dumping.
  2. Sanitize public spending : The pursuit of continuous budget deficits, most of which are used to finance illegal immigration and foreign aid, has for consequence the maintenance of excessive charges and taxation on productive economic activities, and the recourse to borrowing from the Treasury which diverts savings from investments. Public spending must be reduced and all budgets balanced.
  3. Stabilize the dollar and align its value on the economy : Growth and employment cannot be obtained artificially, at the expense of the stability of our currency. The dollar must once again become the sovereign currency of the United States, not the tool of the global bankers, and its value must be aligned on the American economy. The Federal Reserve must be abolished and all "price stability"/quantitative easing schemes must be outlawed.
  4. Reform the education system : If higher education institutions managed to establish ongoing and often successful contacts with the corporate world, the core of the education system remains imbued with an mentality very distant from what is demanded is modern business. While the crypto-marxist propaganda of common core is useful for instilling "anti-racist" ideological formatting on a mass scale, students are inadequately prepared to face professional life and entrepreneurship. A complete reform of the education system, based on school choice, decentralization and the suppression of the Department of Education is necessary.
  5. Protect traditional American competencies : Our massive trade deficit is not only destructive to our economy, it also represents an assault on our culture and facilitates the disappearance of many traditional competencies and industrial knowledge. Ending senseless free-trade is an imperative for both economic recovery and cultural preservation.
  6. Prohibit government aid and bailouts to foreign corporations : The practice of sending government money, meaning American taxpayer money, to foreign corporations in the form of direct aid, subsidies or bailouts is no less than treason, which is grounds for impeachment and criminal prosecution.
  7. End settlement immigration : The presence on American soil of "settlement immigrants", often less interested in assimilation and economic contribution than in acquiring welfare, imposes on the taxpayer an exorbitant financial burden. Ending illegal and settlement immigration, greatly reducing legal immigration and vetting any acquisition of US nationality on the basis of merit and competency will substantially reduce the costs imposed on the economy by state welfare and social agencies.
Nation Siege > Nationalist Party Platform > Globalization, Trade and Economic Patriotism