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Latest American nationalist news

The Foreign Media is Promoting Homosexuality in America ! #TeaParty

Whether you listen to the mainstream (foreign) talk shows or watch the mainstream (foreign) news, you've obviously realized that their agenda is to promote homosexuality at all costs, alongside class warfare, high taxes ...

Why a Rise of American Nationalism is Inevitable

A rise of US nationalism is not only a probability, it's an inevitable progress that we must embrace.Given the direction in which the country is going, or rather the direction in which the current administration is dragg ...

Barack H. Obama, the ultimate symbol of Globalism ?

Barack H. Obama is in many ways both the culmination and the distinctive symbol of the globalism ideology.Everything he does is an expression of his attachment to the conception of a New World Order controlled by the Eur ...

California school bans US flags, fears offending illegal "Mexicans"

Americans, you had been warned : I told you the PC "tolerance" dogma was nothing but a front to precipitate an illegal alien demographic replacement when I wrote about Obama (the Alien-in-Chief) and his infamous DREAM Ac ...

Discrimination is choice, time to end the "Civil Rights"

In modern Socialist States of once-America, where having a dissident opinion on certain subjects is a crime but lying about terror attacks, financing foreign djihadists and facilitating the illegal alien invasion is not, ...

Meet George W. Bush the anti-racist RINO

It seems globalist puppet and "moderate" conservative George W. Bush hasn't done enough to embarrass himself during the eight years he occupied the White House.During a televised appearance, the former president reflecte ...

Why Rand Paul Would Destroy Hillary Clinton in 2016

There are many people on the right sphere of politics that would support Rand Paul as a Republican candidate in 2016. Many of those are the same people that supported Ron Paul in the 2012 elections.That is not my case, a ...

Affirmative Action is Foreign Preference

Through the use of antiracist lobbies and politically correct propaganda, the globalist lobbies have made it a goal to overrun the United States with massive third world immigration, and then to give them a preferential ...

The Holocaust Strikes Back

I'm not sure why these people are so obsessed with the destruction of the United States of America (a nation that welcomed them when no one else would), but one thing is obvious : their main instrument to gain sympathy f ...

Sorry libtards, there is no "Human race"

Apparently we are all part of the same race, the "human race", that's why we should accept 33 million new illegals without protesting.So apparently the only difference between a Barack Hussein Obama and a Rand Paul, othe ...

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