Nation Siege

American Nationalist News

The Holocaust Strikes Back

I'm not sure why these people are so obsessed with the destruction of the United States of America (a nation that welcomed them when no one else would), but one thing is obvious : their main instrument to gain sympathy for their cause is the Holocaust.

I'll admit I don't see the coherence in accusing Americans, who fought the German Nazis in WW2, of being somehow responsible of the Holocaust. Particularly when those who express these accusations are more often than not pro-European NWO puppets.

But it has never been about coherence with the globalists, it's about stigmatizing Americans and demonizing patriotism.

And so they continue to amalgamate any form of American patriotism with the Holocaust, oblivious to the fact that without 400 000 American patriots who died fighting the Axis in WW2 they wouldn't even be here to do so.

Nation Siege > Nationalist News > The Holocaust Strikes Back