Nation Siege

American Nationalist News

The Truth About The "Health Market" Exposed

Unless you have been hiding under a rock and have no knowledge of the current food and other lifestyle trends, you have obviously heard of the the new "health market". And honestly, what is not to love about the idea of helping people make healthier choices ?

Unfortunately, unless you have been hiding under a rock and have no knowledge of actual nutrition and human biology, you have obviously noticed that this trend is utter nonsense.

These "healthier choices" promoted by the health pseudo-gurus are merely an excuse to impose more cultural imperialism from the Europeans, and destroy what is left of our gastronomical heritage (which incidentally happens to be the healthiest of any culture).

Exposing the fake health propaganda

The traditional American diet, far from being the source of every health illness imaginable that the left-wing globalist unscientific lobbies try to portray it as, is in fact one of the healthiest and most complete forms of nutritional intakes in the history of mankind.

As evidenced by the total lack of cardiovascular illnesses and overall superior health of the vast majority of Americans in the beginning of the twentieth century, the traditional American diet had every beneficial nutriments possible and in the right quantities and proportions.

Rich in fats and healthy proteins, while moderate on processed carbohydrates and others toxins, it is no surprise that Americans were amongst the healthiest people in the industrialized world.

Who is behind the new wage of health scams ?
Who is behind the new wage of health scams ?

Whereas the Europeans were struggling with diabetes, the "Jews disease" they called it, as early as the nineteenth century, this illness was unheard of in the USA and Americans were amongst the healthiest populations even in the poorest ghettos of the east coast and the south-east.

Then came the "health gurus", mostly from California but a lot of them didn't even attempt to hide their true allegiance : to Europe.

Note that this "health revolution" preceded the epidemics of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, malnutrition and overall poor health. Not the other way around as they want you to believe it.

The goal was to claim that everything Americans ate was unhealthy and to promote European products as the health alternative.

The real purpose of the Health Doctrine

The goal of the so-called "health revolution" is not to promote healthy food choices, rather their true purpose to encourage Americans to import more food and enhance even more our agricultural dependence on foreign countries.

We must also point out that the Europeans have always been the champions of stealing the culinary and gastronomical heritage of other cultures and rebranding it as their own. Anything with flour for instance is clearly not European, anything with pasta involved is from Asia (mostly China) and anything with potatoes is from the Americas. That doesn't stop the European cultural imperialists from claiming it as their own of course, but this constant thievery of other cultures (especially in gastronomy) has been well documented though often times suppressed by these shit oil salesmen.

I call them shit oil because at least snake oil has some nutritional benefits, in European foods however I see none. And quite frankly if we ever were to produce shit oil, it would taste exactly like German beer.

Back to the topic of health and nutrition.

Consider all the foods, herbs and supplements promoted by these salesmen. They all share one trait, and it's not their supposed health benefits which have been proven time and time again as purely fictitious.

What these foods share in common is not their characteristics or their fabricated health benefits, but their origins.

They all come from outside the USA, how convenient for those who want to weaken our agricultural and industrial power and at the same time destroy our cultural heritage.

And of course what better excuse to do so than to invoke completely unscientific claims of fake health benefits ?

The globalist aren't exactly new to the process of inventing fake theories and attributing to them unscientific claims to make them appear more believable (global warming, anti-racism, racialism, environmentalism, gender identity ans do on).

About the fake health claims of the globalist

Vegetarianism, paleo nutrition, Acai berries, soy based foods, low-fat diets, miraculous herbs... all these theories share one trait in common, they sell you imported products rebranded as having supernatural health enhancing properties.

And these claims are more often than not fabricated by the same globalist that have an interest in destroying our culture, our farming economy and enriching the foreign producers of these foods.

Take maple syrup, a traditional American and Canadian fare that has many nutritional benefits including a high percentage of healthy Magnesium, Potassium and a good amount of Calcium.

Who would of thought the globalist would have the audacity of labeling Maple Syrup and unhealthy food, especially to replace it with Agave syrup which has a higher fructose content than even HFCS !

But most Americans are nowadays so dumbed down by pseudo-science and globalist propaganda that they don't even verify the information they are force fed by the same globalist that have a financial interest in destroying our health, our economy and our culture.

Yet all it takes is a few ads spent on foreign owned TV channels and an public announcement from Michelle Obama (not a model of health per se), and Americans will all go on the hunt for Agave syrup and its faux health benefits.

But of course, Maple syrup is American so it has to be unhealthy.
Agave syrup is Mexican so it has to be good for you.

Disregard the scientific evidence, if you repeat a lie long enough it becomes the truth.

Anything foreign is good, anything American and local is bad : that has always been the mantra of the globalist and other European imperialists.

I use the example of Maple syrup but their doctrine is applied to absolutely everything, from other foods to tourism, to cars, to movies, to music...

Remember how cholesterol and saturated fats were bad for you, while the toxic protein gluten and other aliments holding high doses of refined carbohydrates were touted as the new miracle cure ?

Remember how eating meat was unhealthy and you were brainwashed, as the globalist Eric Holder would say, into consuming "healthy" estrogen enhancing soy based products ?

Remember when sugary drinks were dangerous (one socialist mayor even banned them in his city) and you were indoctrinated into believing aspartame was a better alternative ? The same Aspartame which is mostly produced by European corporations (of course) ? The same Aspartame that has been linked to permanent brain damage and impaired memory functions ?

The real problems with the modern American diet are the presence of dangerous toxic or carcinogenic compounds (pesticides, sweeteners), the lack of essential vitamins and minerals, the lack essentials fats (thanks notably to the anti-fat propaganda of the globalists), and most importantly the over-consumption of omega-6 fatty acids and the under-consumption of omega-3 acids.

But those issues are never addressed by the fake health propagandists.

Instead, the globalists will use the very health problems they created to push for more of their "solutions".

And of course their "solutions" will only benefit the health of their wallets, and accelerate the destruction of our economic fabric and our culture, and make us even more dependent of foreign countries for food.

Nation Siege > Nationalist News > The Truth About The "Health Market" Exposed