Nation Siege

American Nationalist News

10 Most Abused Words Of The Liberals And Globalists

Have you ever been called a white supremacist by someone who secretly idolizes Hitler ? Have you ever been accused of being an Uncle Tom by those who supported the bailout of European banks ? If not you are probably either a Democrat or a useful idiot to the political Establishment.

Any nationalist, conservative, right winger, libertarian, anti-socialist, classical liberal, minarchist, utilitarian, patriot or just about anyone who doesn't blindly follow the single thought doctrine of political correctness has been called one of the "magic words" of the Left.

These are the words the Left uses to attempt to demonize their opponents. I say attempt because quite frankly most American see straight through their propaganda and most of the time they are the only ones stupid enough to grant any meaning to these designations.

Fun fact : the Democrats are generally more guilty than anyone else of being what they will accuse you of being (ex. racist, bigoted, populist, KKK, hateful).

Top 10 Most Overused Words Of The Globalist Left

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